Monthly Archives: June 2022

Unpacking Grief


This auspicious day has arrived, brimming with joy and the path glowing for us, spurring me on to coalesce all my sides, all my compartments, into a new form. The tears, the words, the water, the hope. The images, the pages, the letters, the photos. All of it cascading around me, unraveling the years of pain and anguish, joy and friendship, fun and love. It needs to burst open in order to have it all gathered up, in a more concise picture of life, death, family, and self. The momentum builds as i keep going, the stops and pauses lessening as my heart fills with gladness at the glory of all these days. There are constant characters and flitting friends, some sadness, deep, old, secret; many happy times, and unpacking the grief is the search for those gems of togetherness and ccommunity, sharing and vulnerable love. Finding family in the patchwork of kindness and understanding and devotion.